CatholicATX is a city-wide ministry that connects young adults to God, Community, and Resources. In our two-fold mission, we host four types of events: sacramental, catechetical, service and social. We also plug young adults into parishes near them by sharing events hosted by parish ministries around the city. CatholicATX is a portal for young adults to find out what’s going on across the Austin Diocese all in one place. Whether it is an upcoming event, searching for a Mass time, or just looking for ministry or educational resources, CatholicATX is here to serve. With a vibrant, diverse, and growing young adult community, the Diocese attests to the fact that the Church is young and alive and that you are the future of the Church.
Sacramental Events such as Mass and Reconciliation, along with Adoration, Prayer, and Worship to help young adults practice and grow in their faith.
Catechetical Events to assist in the continued spiritual formation of young adults as they discover their vocations.
Service Events in collaboration with charities across the city.
Social Events that bring together young adults from all over the city to cultivate fellowship and friendship.
CATX also promotes events organized by Parish Young Adult Groups to connect young adults seeking a community with the people closest to them.